ND-X-3500 is the device can automatically detect foreign objects in the food which the naked eye can not see(Metal, stone, glass, plastic. Bone, etc.)and the defects in the product
(Void,cracks),it has the basic function that can detect automatically foreign body,as the same time,could detect the packaged product which is lost and bad products.
Main Feature:
- ND-X-3000是我公司安全增加销售额和事前防止异物转移(输送)以及预防PL及 HACCP的有力对策。ND-X-3000 is a powerful strategy for our company to increase sales safely and prevent the transfer of foreign objects in advance and to prevent PL and HACCP.
- Application
- Food processing
- Meat processing
- Agricultural and livestock processing
- Fruit noodles